G O O D N E W S !
New Product on the Drawing Board:
R O S I :
the modular Respiration and Organ motion Simulation phantom

ROSI is extended version of RESI and offers the same semi-anthropomorphic features as ribs and backbone
ROSI has the same capabilites for chest and abdominal breathing movement, additional transversal chest motion
ROSI has a longer belly section with space for semi-anthropomorphic organ inserts and test objects for Imager tests
ROSI features heartbeat-induced organ movement over the entire phantom length
ROSI features multiple virtual tumor motions with extended amplitudes, with moving mechanism inside the torso
ROSI is operated by single motor concept with a single camshaft, which is easy to dismout, re-adjust and insert back.
ROSI will be avialble with a new motor concept for adjustable and random breathing cycles
ROSI is the End-to-End motion verification phantom for CT, MRI and PET installations, with test inserts for specific parameters
ROSI is best for tests on gated / tracked beam deliveries, and with virtualTUMORS for point-dose verifications
ROSI is suitable for use in combined MRI-Linac devices, the electrical drive can be positioned outside the magnetic fields.
R E S I :
the REspiration motion Simulation phantom with semi-anthropomorphic features and simple drive

RESI is the phantom for comprehensive QA on respiratory motion recognition and gating/tracking devices in Radiation Therapy.
RESI is lightweight and metal free, ideal for all imagers including MRI and beam delivery units equipped with real-time patient surface position monitoring.
RESI offers 3 separate motions, as they are chest motion with amplitude up to 15 mm, abdominal motion with amplitude of up to 40 mm, and the 3D motion of a tumor inside the chest.
RESI features the 3 different motions driven by only one simple motor and a smart mechanical link, with variable motion profiles and phases. Pure mechanics, easy to operate and adjust.
RESI is mainly made from 3D-printing parts, which provide robustnes and accuracy at reasonable costs. In order to give RESI a human-like appearance in imagers, the ribs and backbones are made of special material with high content of calcium for good signatures.
RESI is the combined stand-alone version of 'movingSKIN' and 'movingTARGET', and due to it's low weight and smart design easy to use and versatile.
NEW PRODUCT ready for release:
RT-smartSTAXY makes Stereotaxy QA easy and versatile!
RT-smartSTAXY is a new head-sized phantom of remarkable simplicity and versatility. The inner cavity is big enough to accommodate two smartCUBEs and opens a huge variety of different tasks in Stereotaxy QA.
The functionality is wide, and so the way how to use it. For imagers, imulators or treatment units, in frames, fixations, attached to the smartIMRT/virtualPATIENT:
or directly on the patient couch in 3 steps with the new smart flip-flap box:
Please heave a look at the spec sheet! RT-smartSTAXY_spec_eng_01
Go to the smartSTAXY product here
A new part of the dose.point product family has been presented:
The 'virtualPATIENT' is a new and modular phantom type which simulates patients with either static or moving tumors.
Simple and smart mechanics make it easy to define individual setups for End-to-End Process QA, now for body and head.
With 'virtualTUMORs' made in an innovative 3D-printing technique.
Download the new brochure here: virtualPATIENT_bro_eng_01
Keep it simple !
The dose.point product family 'RT-smartTOOLs' is complete!

With 'Virtual Tumors' for end-to-end verification including combined target/risk organ objects, all in smartCUBE format.
New: Respiratory Motion Phantom with moving virtual lung tumor as additional modules for smartIMRT cylindrical phantom.
Driven by just one simple motor and smart mechanical transission, with adjustable profile, amplitude and phase.
For comprehensive testing and verification of tumor 4D imaging and tracking/gating installations.
Work in Progress: Stereotaxy Phantom as additional module for smartIMRT, installed in a minute and compatible to smartCUBE.
Read more . . .
G O O D N E W S !
Latest releases of TPS are highly accurate and reliable, so pre-treatment plan verification can be done simple and efficient now !
Plan verification with planar composite dose, with RT-smartIMRT and any 2D-Array. Precise, efficient and fast !
The array rotating with the gantry for undisturbed measurements, for all treatment methods up to latest ARC and adaptive RT.
G O O D N E W S !
dose.point Asia Pacific proudly announces: 8 IQM orders in 2015, plus 1 + 3 projects for 2016 !
1st IQM installed at Yamanashi University Hospital on Elekta Linac !
Read more . . .
Visit dose.point Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. in Singapore here: