The individual parts of RT-smartTOOLs are made of few different materials as water equivalent RW3, acrylic, carbon fibre and tungsten parts. They are crafted on CNC machines to precise dimensions and low tolerance fits.
Adapters for 3rd party equipment are manufacturerd in the same way, assuring the correct positioning due to device specifications.
So the tool set in reality is big, very big, as you can add your specific an well known equipment and make your QA perfect!
The RT-smartIMRT is the ideal 'host' for modules due to it's versatility. As cylinder in about the shape and size of patient the smartIMRT is the 'virtual Patient' and can be equipped with 'vitual Tumors' inside smartCUBE and simple breathing mechanism of movingSKIN plus movingTARGET as moving tumor dummy for dose verifications on narrow beams.
The smartIMRT is designed to accommodate all 2D-Arrays available on the market, and many QA devices from other manufacturers.
smartIMRT is ideal in combination with smartCTQA and smartCUBE as 'Virtual patient' The RT-smartCTQA is a simple and universal RW3 phantom block with a lot of boreholes. It is ideal in combination with smartCUBE. With both phantoms inside the smartIMRT cylinder phantom hundreds of different 'Virtual Patient' can be defined, just by changing orientations of all 3 modules to each other and chosing rotational angle of the cylinder on the couch.
The smartCTQA comes with rods of different calibrated electron densities and can be freely equipped with other reference material for CT, MRI and PET scans.
So smartCTQA is a QA tools for imagers. The RT-smartCUBE was designed first for geometrical checks only. With it's size of 7 x 7 x 7x cm it fits perfectly inside the smartCTQA and smartIMRT.
The smartCUBE iso contains tungsten objects for ISO center accuracy checks and basic IGRT.
But now it is available with special tests for CT, CBCT and general resoltution and contrast checks for imagers of all kinds.
New and Exciting: 3D-printing allows to create plastic objects which look like human tissue in CT images. So smartCUBE will be available as the housing for virtual tumors of different size, shape, density, texture and cavities for dosimetry detectors. The movingSKIN is an add on to the smartIMRT and replaces the upper cylinder segment for a 'breathing patient'. It takes only 2 mintues and the smartIMRT is ready for 4D motion QA on Imagers and optical gating/tracking devices. The mechanics is very simple, as the motor, which is working in millions of microwave ovens for rotating the plate.
Cam plates control the motion, which is reproducible and steady, without and software and so ideal for constancy checks of complex devices. The movingTARGET is using the same drive as the movingSKIN and can be used in combination or stand-alone. The purpose is simple: a virtual Tumor is moving in a 3D-motion inside the smartIMRT box. A small-volume ion chamber measures the dose rate of an pencil therapy beam, which has to follow the tumor. If yes: dose rate is constant. So simple.
The movingTARGET phase and amplitudes can be adjusted to the movingSKIN by set-up of cam plates. New and on the drawing board is the stereotaxy phantom which is attached to the rear of the smartIMRT within seconds.
In combination with smartCUBEs a variety of QA and verification tasks can be performed easily.
And with additional equipment inside the smartIMRT it is the first time to do checks on head and body simultaneously.
This symbol stand for all phantoms, test objects and detector plates in the 30 x 30 cm size, which can be inserted into the smartIMRT phantom for Verification and device QA.
dose.point provides smartQA, smartQA+, smartFILM and a number of detetcor plates for a variety of common ion chambers and semiconductor detectors for absolute dosimenty. The RT-smartSLAB as simple carriage for slab phantoms can be configured as cubical phantom for dose verification based on virtual tumor. So the combination with smartCUBE and smartCTQA allows easy End-to-End Process QA from Imager to beam delivery.
smartSLAB can be used in vertical orientation, so more variations for the same selection of modules.