RT-smartCUBE-vt for 'virtual Tumors'

RT-smartCUBE-vt is a new family of compact phantoms which contain tumor shaped inserts of different material and textures. Made in a complex 3D-printing process the inserts have tissue like properties when scanned with CT and MRI.
The inserts can be used with single ion chambers or solid state detectors for point dose measurements. The smartCUBE-vt is also available with both tumor and risk organ in one object, allowing measurements of dose values on both locations simultaneously.
But there are inserts available without dedetctor cavities, so for checking auto-contouring algorithms. The density distribution is in an onion-like shell structure.
The smartCUBE is used in the smartCTQA phantom in different orientations, and typically inside the body shaped smartIMRT phantom.
By exchanging the solid RW3 cylinder segments by more tissue like segments, as with lung and bone mimicking structures, the smartCUBE as virtual Tumor can be placed in 'virtual Patient' environment, allowing thousands of different setups.